Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Should Muslims be Profiled at Airports?

1.  Yes, Up in Smoke thinks Muslims Should be Profiled at Airports.

2. Up in Smoke thinks All Non- Muslim people should refuse to Fly with Muslims

3. Up in Smoke thinks Muslims should have their own Airline, where only Muslims are allowed on             their Plane.

4. Muslims should not be allowed to fly into the United States, They should walk in from Mexico like        Everyone else

5. Up in Smoke thinks this question is stupid and redundant, and that anyone who cannot see this logic, ......    should fly with Muslims.

Senator Max Baucus Drunk on Senate Floor?

 Drunks and Idiots Running our Precious Country into the Annals of History
I want To Thank my Fellow Amerikans Who Voted this Idiot into office, my Opinion of You is Less Than My Opinion of Him, and that's pretty effin Low

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Fire TSA's Gale D. Rossides for the leak!

Gale D. Rossides - Incompetent Acting Director of TSA

It's time for accountability. This leak of Top Secret TSA Documentation by the TSA buffoonery is proof of incompetence on a grand scale. Time for some heads to roll. How complacent have TSA employees become that they would carelessly or otherwise let sensitive documents onto the internet. This is the height of stupidity or the lowest form of intelligence known to man. If intentional, a firing squad may be in order.

Gale D. Rossides, is the acting top dog at the TSA. She must be made an example of. This is not a game, this is wartime incompetence. With millions of Americans already treated like chattel whilst they fly around the country, searched and inconvenienced for nine years now. The passengers have done their part.It's time for the Government to do theirs.

The magnitude of this breach cannot be looked over. It's not the time for wrist slapping. How much of our money has Government spent to come to an end end like this , looking like bozo's in a circus tent.

I immediately call for the dismissal of all involved and the heads of the leaders who allowed this to happen. Maybe, if they get to mop some floors for a while they can figure out a way to get their heads out of their arse, and perform as the professionals they purport to be.


Cheney, Obama address national security differences

TOXIC! Luke Cheney Skywalker battles Darth Obama Vader vividly showing their differences on National Security.GREAT VID

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Sean Hannity & Michelle Malkin Break Media Silence on Fistgate & Obama’s Dangerous Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings

Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events

It doesn't get any sicker than this! Up in Smoke

Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 4:23 PM
Jim Hoft

Only in the Obama White House can a man with a history of handing out bar guides to teens be promoted to Safe Schools Czar.

Earlier today it was reported that Kevin Jennings’ Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) organization was distributing gay bar directories to high school students at the 2005 Massachusetts GLSEN conference.
glsen bars
This wasn’t an isolated incident.
Mass Resistance Blog today reported that GLSEN passed out directories to gay “leather” bars to teens at several of their events.

GLSEN organization also passed out guides to gay leather bars in Chicago to students in 2000.

Read entire Article with Excellent Links

Gateway Pundit

Posted using ShareThis

Rep. Grayson tells Cheney to 'STFU'

By Eric Zimmermann - 12/09/09 06:02 PM ET

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) has done it again.

Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" Wednesday night, the Florida Democrats used a colorful acronym to respond to Dick Cheney's criticisms of President Obama.

"You know, on the internet there's an acronym that's used to apply to situations like this. It's called 'STFU.' I don't think I can say that on the air, but I think you know what that means," Grayson said.

That acronym is short for "Shut the f**k up."

Read Article Here

Obama to Republicans: 'Stop trying to frighten the American people'...

There is a frightening event going on, but it is not The Republicans that are guilty. This President and his cadre of communist/ socialist minions are enough to scare the bejesus out of most of the American population. Smoke and mirrors, Alinsky tactics and blatant deception is being wrought on decent Americans at a screaming pace. They are running this country into an abyss of debt that will soon take it's toll on the common family.

I work in a hospital with people from every walk of life. I hear the people telling their woeful story's already, now, daily at the water cooler and smoke pits of common sense. The woman who finally was able to finance a computer only to find out she can't afford a internet connection in her home because Comcast failed to tell her that the taxes part of 59 dollars a month is actually brings the total to 75 dollars per month, a figure she cannot afford and she will return the "boxes" to them this weekend. I know people who would rather take a beating than work 1 extra minute a week, who are begging for overtime and call just to make their bills. I know people, who cannot keep their mouth shut from complaining about their job, that now cower silently, toiling over their job quietly because they are seeing their co-workers fired for the slightest infractions and attitude problem and God knows there is a hiring freeze on, because the new faces have stopped appearing and the job responsibilities are only being shifted from one overburdened group to another.

One of the tell tale signs I am personally witnessing is the amount of people who are bent over with there heads in their hands while they are on break and the ever common practice of scissors being used to cut the cigarettes in half to be able to continue smoking a product that is well beyond their financial ability now, due to the nanny state dictates and barrel of a gun tactics, demanding a fortune in taxes for a legal vice.

The cars of disrepair are stacking up on the sides of the interstate. People cannot afford to have them fixed because of the desperation and increasing deception of auto repair companies that have seen their business decline. Mechanics are searching to charge a premium and finding non essential problems on cars to scare their patrons into feeling like they must have fixed also, or the car will explode. An experience of mine to spend a minimum of 500 dollars per repair and a maximum of 1000 dollars for work that used to cost much less. More than once, I have received new parts that did not fix the problem and been forced to return only to find a 25 dollar fluid seal was all I needed, but they replaced the entire power steering mechanisms for 600 dollars. These are real costs that every American is facing, car repair bills alone are bankrupting the good folks of this country who cannot even begin to buy a new car because they have to add additional car insurance that they are not required to have on their payed-off car. Fathers are begging their car driving kids to "go easy", "Baby it along" and "make it last".

My point is this, although there are some scary Republicans out there, like Lindsey Graham (R-SC), But Obama is proving himself to be the Boris Karloff of Politics, He is the scariest Liberal I have experienced since Al Gore, and Al petrified us in Tennessee and on the National Front. In parting, I will envoke the recent words of our Dignified Sen. Alan Grayson (D_FL) to Dick Cheney as my response to this abberation of Amerika, Barack Hussein Obama ...STFU..... Nice Alan....Nice and scary

Up in Smoke

By Sam Youngman - 12/09/09 01:14 PM ET
President Barack Obama told House Republican leaders to "stop trying to frighten the American people" even as he and Democrats said they see a possibility for bipartisan cooperation on job creation legislation.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Breaking: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s Question to 14 Year Olds: “Spit vs. Swallow?

I initially thought this report was bogus. After MUCH scrutiny on my part, I see the evidence that it holds water. I set out to prove it false and was saddened to find it true.

I call for Obama to immediately fire Kevin Jennings, the founder of GLSEN, was recently appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education!this is a Lascivious Poor Choice of his doing!.......Up in Smoke....This crap has to end!!!

Obama and the party crashers

Hat Tip Ron Raymond

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Ft Hood terrorist Hasan was on Obama’s Transition Team!?

Ft Hood terrorist Hasan was on Obama’s Transition Team!?

Obama knew Hasan prior to the Fort Hood shootings.

The things that make you go Hmmmmmmm….

Ahhhhhh, so this is why Obama’s saying “Let’s not jump to conclusions..” – Hasan was on Obama’s Presidential Transition Team!

This means Obama worked with Hasan personally and got input from him. Think about that for a second…..

Click Here For More

Jumat, 13 November 2009

Anti-Mulsim Hate Crimes Down Since 2001

Liberals Fear “Backlash” Against Muslims, Ignore Rise in Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes—From Muslims

November 12

by David Forsmark

Who is most likely to be the victim of a so-called “religiously motivated hate crime” in the United States—and who is mostly likely to be the perpetrator?

In the wake of the real life religiously motivated hate crime at Ft. Hood, where an Islamist gunman killed 13 and wounded scores more, Barack Obama, General Casey, Even Thomas and Chris Matthews are on the lookout for– the hypothetical threat of right-wing hate

Minggu, 08 November 2009

"Hero Mom" Sgt. Kimberly Munley Took Down Fort Hood Shooter


10:56 AM PST, November 7, 2009

KILLEEN, Texas -- A civilian police officer is being praised for taking down a man suspected of opening fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood when she shot him in the torso.

Police officials say after arriving at the scene of Thursday's gunfire, Sgt. Kimberly Munley saw the suspect and started firing at him.

Munley's boss, Chuck Medley, said on Friday that Hasan then spun around and charged at her with a gun in each hand.

Medley says Munley shot the alleged gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, in the upper torso, allowing officers to take him into custody. Medley says in the exchange of gunfire, Munley was shot in the thighs and wrist.

The 34-year-old Munley is from Pennsylvania, used to be in the Army and is married to a Fort Bragg, N.C. soldier.

Comply With Pelosi-Care Or Go To Jail

Committee Confirms: Comply With Pelosi-Care Or Go To Jail

by Publius

From the House Ways and Means Republicans:


Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists

Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.

1 of 2 Images
Major Nidal Malik Hasan: Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas Photo: GETTY

Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, attended the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001 at the same time as two of the September 11 terrorists, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. His mother's funeral was held there in May that year.

The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link in August because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations.

Read More

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Alan Grayson goes too far for colleagues

For More Great Cartoons, Visit Here www.garyvarvel.com
Hey Alan.......

WHY we rescinded our Grayson endorsement

Hey, Alan Grayson …

Would you guys like to know WHY we rescinded our endorsement of The Incredible Sulk?

Well, here goes: A few minutes after Billy published his story on the District 8 congressional candidates - a fairly even-handed piece, in my estimation - Alan Grayson went ape-shit on him. Never mind that we'd just endorsed him in Happytown™, or that Billy's section on Grayson was mostly complimentary.

Grayson was pissed - F***NG PISSED - because we quoted Quoc Van (incorrectly, it seems - and we promised a correction) saying he was the only candidate who qualified by petition (yeah, big deal, right?) and that we called him a "millionaire" and "Washington, D.C." lawyer, which he objected to because he has a law office in the DC area and is in fact a millionaire but thinks it makes him look bad and it's our job to help him out, or something.

After the jump, you'll get the entire email exchange between Alan and Billy, in which Alan accuses us of trying to get his family hurt by

Produce the Dog Gone Birth Certificate

The Rev. David Manning telling it like it is!

Proof Positive : Confidence Men. Where's the Birth Certificate?

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Barack Obonga- Medical Weed Shaman

I see he found a lapel pin he is glad to wear...LOL

Obama's smoking a burning issue

Once a heavy smoker, President-elect Barack Obama recently admitted he's fallen off the wagon and puffed a few cigarettes on the campaign trail.

Obama Administration to Stop Raids on Medical Marijuana Dispensers

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Natural Born - Whats the big deal?

October 18, 11:57 AMPortland Civil Rights ExaminerDianna Cotter

In the days since I first started publishing on the issues surrounding Natural Born Citizenship and why it matters with regards to Barack Obama, I have been asked a great many questions regarding why it matters at all. Why the Founding Fathers would bother with a distinction that only ever matters for one governmental position in the world, the President of the United States?

I hate to say this because I supported McCain - granted not with a great amount of enthusiasm, and had honestly thought he was

Barack Obama and State of Hawaii on the ropes

The latest legal turn out of Hawaii leaves very little wiggle room for the state.

On July 27th 2009 The Hawaii Department of Health in a press release declared that Barack Obama was a Natural Born Citizen.

Researcher Justin Riggs on July 29th was informed by email that Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett reviewed and approved the Statement released by DoH Director Fukino.

Attorney Leo Donofrio has been investigating the irregularities in the State of Hawaii at his blog Natural Born Citizen and has published a copy of the emails between Riggs and the Attorney General's office:

From: Justin Riggs [email address redacted]
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:03 PM
To: …janice.okubo@doh.hawaii.gov, [redacted other recipient]

…Ms. Okubo,
Read Entire Article

Related and Erudite

Natural Born - Whats the big deal?

Citizenship – what America forgot

Hawaiian Law Demands Obama records be made public

Dianna Cotter @DiannaCotter is a 39-year-old living in Newberg, OR. She is a Student at American Military University, and believes civil rights belong to all Americans, not just a few. You can contact Dianna at cotter.d.c@gmail.com

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?

Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa
Posted: August 02, 2009
11:55 am Eastern

WASHINGTON – California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Alan Grayson(D-FL) follows 4 people on Twitter. You won't believe who They Are !

Smoke Alarm !!!

I So Hope that this is My Cameo Breaking News Find

This Twitter Site Shown Below, Represents itself as that of Rep. Alan Grayson, a Controversial Florida Politician

Here are several possible reasons his Florida Constituency (8th District) may decide to stop voting for Him.

If this is his Real Twitter, I call on all decent Central Floridians to pause and think...Is this someone I can vote for again?

Hopefully, someone at his Campaign or Twitter can Verifiy this Site soon, so we will know for Sure.

So, I call on Rep. Alan Grayson, " Is this you official Twitter Site? or not?"

Click Image above to enlarge

Click Image above to enlarge

1. Bill Maher @billmaher
Bill Maher Is a Marxist Idiot!

2. Ed Schultz @WeGotEd
Ed Schultz is the most listened-to Progressive radio talk show host in America.

David Shuster @DavidShuster
David is a regular substitute anchor for “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”

Dylan Ratigan @DylanMSNBC
a pleasant if somewhat loud-voiced fellow with good reporter's instincts, who
may be shocked to find out Alan Grayson is following him! LOL

I will e-mail this site finding directly to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and ask him head on to decry this as fake or admit up to it being associated with him directly. Then I will post the answer.

Another Obama Czar Agrees With Mao: Thinks Free Market Is 'Nonsense'

I'm I going Crazy or is the White House just Overflowing with Freaking Communists

Up in Smoke

Krauthammer On Obama's War On Fox

(Via @hopeforamerica) Twitter

Visit "The Hope for America" for Outstanding Collection of Conservative Videos

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

The Reagan Obama Debate

Yes, CAIR (Muslim) is planting 'spies' on Capitol Hill

FBI cites 'people in positions of power within the organization directly connected to terrorism'

Posted: October 18, 2009
9:33 pm Eastern

By David Kupelian
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

While a Washington, D.C.-based Muslim organization the government classifies as an unindicted terror co-conspirator – and which has, in fact, seen several of its leaders imprisoned on terrorism convictions – scoffed last week at congressional charges it was attempting to plant interns and staffers in key Capitol Hill offices to influence policy, a hot-selling new book documents the controversial group is successfully doing precisely that.

Click for more

Graham Joins Kerry On Cap-And-Trade

Traitor, Treasonist, Two Timer, Double Crosser, Double Dealer, South Carolina Betrayer, Trickster, Deceiver,
I give You

Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C. - Marxist)

Up in Smoke

Click on his smug face for the Sad Truth

Please Wake up South Carolina and Vote this POS out of Office

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Robert III Reich: What An Honest President Would Say About Health Reform -

We pay a substantial amount of our paychecks every week to ensure that we have Medical coverage when we are older, Does this idiot not realize that. I will not feel concern for Robert Reich if something (hopefully catastrophic and very painful and lingering) happens to him in the near future. WE HAVE PAID FOR THIS HEATHCARE. If you just intend to let us die, then give us back all that money you have been stealing from us, BOB. A pox on you, you inconsiderate bastardio.

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

The Mt. Rushmore of Shut the Hell Up

Why do they give peace prizes to Pussys? LOL

Jackie and Dunlap weigh in on Obama's surprising Nobel Peace Prize win. Does he deserve it? Join the Red State Update community at http://www.redstateupdate.com and get your freedom yell on.

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Eyepopping example of Obama lying about Healthcare Requirements


[pri-var-i-key-ter] Show IPA
1. a person who speaks falsely; liar.
2. a person who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; quibbler; equivocator.


1535–45; < class="ital-inline">praevāricātor; see prevaricate, -tor

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Rot in Hell Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) You Slimy Bastard

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.)

Just a Note,
My Father, Jim Underwood. is a Veteran of the Korean War, stationed in Washington D.C. , a member of Ike's Presidential Squadron. Dad turned 80 years old yesterday. He was a Goldwater Conservative and a Reagan supporter and spent his career as a Government Quality Assurance Inspector. He is a Patriot.

Recently, he has been hospitalized. Very sick with 4 chest tubes and cancer and fighting for his life. I, his loving son, have been working all day and then sitting by his side at the hospital during the evening for the last 2 weeks, I work in healthcare and I understand these things.

He loves to watch Glenn Beck and Hannity. So we were watching together when Rep. Alan Grayson (YOU)(D-Fla.) decided it was a good time to say these things.

Well, you can imagine the absolute loathing that has ensued in my person as I looked over at my dying Republican Father and the hurt on his face as he watches the Country he fought for going straight to hell. It has not been easy folks.

I want to talk to this miscreant arrogant thoughtless son-of a- bitch. One of my main missions from here on out is to defeat politically, anyone associated with this reckless mean spirited way of talking to the American Public. Especially Grayson.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), you will be hearing from me very shortly. I am going to single handedly see that you are defeated in your next election. Up_in_smoke is very unhappy. I am gonna bring it, and you will hear me, and you will know it was me. I will do it with this keyboard I am now typing on.

A pox on you...you low life bastard. Don't let Hell's door hit you on the Way IN.

Our Veteran's deserve so much better than You, especially the older one's lying in deaths door that are forced to listen to you insensitive crap. Resign NOW.


J. Mark Underwood

Rabu, 30 September 2009

Acorn's Bertha Lewis Says Thanks and Vote Working Families Party

Thanks @BerthaLewis for identifying every Ultra-Liberal Organization thats loved by ACORN. These people are #FUBAR Watch this and see

@BerthaLewis is Re-thinking this Twitter account. Too many negative people commenting on our good works.

The Chief Organizer of Acorn wants to thank everyone who helped push back on the right wing smear campaign. Remember to "vote change like you mean it" Vote for Obama on the Working Families Line - ...

CZAR Sunstein: Government must fund abortion

@Up_in_Smoke is Pro-Life

Declares 'no problem' forcing taxpayers with religious, moral conflict

Posted: September 29, 2009
1:00 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Cass Sunstein
TEL AVIV – The government should be required to fund abortion in cases such as rape or incest, argues President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein.

"I have argued that the Constitution ... forbids government from refusing to pay the expenses of abortion in cases of rape or incest, at least if government pays for childbirth in such cases," Sunstein wrote in his 1993 book "The Partial Constitution."

Read More

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Jail Time If You Don't Pay Health Insurance Mandate Fine?

Double Click the Document to Enlarge

Thomas Barthold, the chief of staff to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, sent a handwritten note to Senator Ensign

Military to get mandatory swine flu shots

Military to get mandatory swine flu shots soon

Senin, 28 September 2009

Smile, Darn You, Smile..Obama's Consistent Smile

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

Mandatory flu vaccination splits workers

September 27, 2009 by DELTHIA RICKS / delthia.ricks@newsday.com

North Shore University Medical Center's

Despite a planned rally in Albany Tuesday to protest a state regulation requiring health care workers be vaccinated against influenza — both seasonal and swine flu — New York’s top public health official predicts dissenters will ultimately extinguish their anger and roll up their sleeves.

The regulation, which was approved in August, comes with a stinging addendum: Get vaccinated or get fired.

But some nurses and many other health care providers say the regulation violates their personal freedom and leaves them vulnerable to vaccine injury. And they cite deaths associated with the last federal government swine-flu vaccination program in 1976.

Refusing to be immunized against H1N1 because of the vaccine debacle in 1976 “is like saying a plane crashed 33 years ago so I’ll never fly again,” said Dr. Richard Daines, New York State health commissioner.

See Dr. Mercola interview Dr.Russell Blaylock (Neurosurgeon)
What To Do if You are Forced to Take Swine Flu Shot

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Hat Tip to Mercola for the Videos

Minggu, 27 September 2009

The Power & Danger of Iconography

WND Exclusive Cops, deputies warned again about right-wing 'terrorists'

Oath Keepers

Guardians of the Republic, Honor Your Oath. Join Us.

SPLC alarm: 'Militiamen, white supremacists, anti-Semites, nativists, tax protesters coalescing'

Posted: September 25, 2009
10:10 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A private activist organization apparently is picking up where the federal government left off when the Department of Homeland Security

issued its "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" warning that returning veterans and people in a long list of other categories were potential terrorists.

Only the new warning, delivered recently to police officers, sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel across the country, is lumping those dedicated to the constitutional principles on which the nation was founded together with crazed killers.

The fall 2009 "Intelligence Report" was issued recently by the Southern Poverty Law Center,