Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

Tancredo compares La Raza to KKK

CNN, MSNBC feature comments from critic of illegal immigration

Posted: May 29, 2009
9:15 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

President Obama Announces Sonia Sotomayor As His Supreme Court Nominee

Questions over the fact that President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, claims membership in La Raza, which has promoted driver's licenses for illegal aliens, amnesty programs and no immigration law enforcement by state and local police, are spreading, with both CNN and MSNBC featuring discussion of the issue with a severe critic of illegal immigration.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

And Justice for All?

Tuesday May 26th, 2009 11:28am MST

And Justice for All?

There is no question that Sonia Sotomayor is an impressive woman. She grew up in the projects of the South Bronx. Her father died when she was a little girl. She was raised by a good and decent mother who worked hard and sent her to Catholic school. She got good grades and made it into Princeton, where she graduated with honors. Then it was on to Yale Law. She was a prosecutor in New York City. She was named a federal district judge before moving up to became an appeals court judge. Now she stands as the newest nominee to the highest court in the land.

Only in America!

While there will be debate in the Senate on her judicial philosophy she will win confirmation to the Supreme Court - and she will win easily, probably with about 70 or 75 votes.

That Judge Sotomayor believes judges aren’t there simply to interpret the law will not matter a bit to the Democrats. The Republicans will make some noise, but in the end most will come around. Who wants to vote against such an accomplished woman, and a minority woman at that?

So that remark to law school students that “court of appeals is where policy is made” will be of little consequence. After all, Judge Sotomayor is only saying out loud what most already know: that she’s a liberal activist judge who would legislate from the bench and make no apologies for it.

And then there was that comment at Berkeley about how she “would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” Really? Why?

As troubling as these opinions are, they don’t match up to an opinion she gave in court, in a case involving racial discrimination – a decision that made clear she does in fact think appeals court judges can rightly make policy – and also that she’s prepared to put affirmative action above the law.

The case of Ricci v. DeStefano was brought by 19 white and one Hispanic firefighters in 2003. It claims that the city of New Haven, Conn., engaged in racial discrimination when it tossed out the results of two promotion tests simply because none of the city’s black applicants had passed the tests.

A federal judge, Janet Bond Arterton, ruled for New Haven, saying that there was no racial discrimination since the city, in the end, decided not to promote anyone at all - in order to avoid endless, costly lawsuits by those who didn’t pass and probably to avoid demonstrators chanting “No Justice No Peace” outside City Hall.

But what if some community someplace in America had decided to throw out test results because only black firefighters passed - but no whites did? What if that city said we won’t promote anybody, therefore we’re not discriminating against anybody? We wouldn’t need Oliver Wendell Holmes to make the obvious point: that this would be a clear cut case of racial discrimination.

Why should it be any different when the victims are mostly white firefighters?

The firefighters appealed — and lost again. This time Judge Sotomayor — ruling with the majority – issued an order siding with New Haven city officials, affirming Judge Arterton’s decision. The order came in the form of a simple one-paragraph judgment. It said that Judge Arterton’s ruling was “thorough, thoughtful, and well reasoned.”

That’s it! No explanation as to why Sotomayor and the other judges ruled in favor of New Haven. Sotomayor and the others didn’t bother addressing the constitutional issues brought by the firefighters. They simply ruled that the city got it right; that there was no discrimination in the case.

This is a tough one to swallow. And conservatives, in and out of the Senate, will go at Judge Sotomayor over her decision, as they rightly should. Liberals will look the other way, as they always do in cases involving what some call reverse discrimination. As for President Obama, he said he was looking for a judge with “empathy.” But he obviously wasn’t concerned about empathy for the firefighters who studied hard to pass the test only to be find out the game was rigged.

The case is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.

SCOTUS pick: Sonia Sotomayor

By Michelle Malkin • May 26, 2009 09:55 AM

So, it’s Sonia Sotomayor. Identity politics triumphs. Here’s the bio/record info I shared at the beginning of the month:

Other Important Links for Knowledge

The Judicial Conformation Network

Well, the day of reckoning is upon us. I warned my Liberal and Democratic friends about and the one paramount reason they should consider voting with the right. Supreme Court Justice selections. Now that day is here and Barack Obama has not let me down, He has picked the most unqualified and incompetent person that he could find. I doubt he will reconsider, as Bush did when he picked a terrible candidate for the post. I am as angry and upset as I thought I would be, but I have long ago known this was coming. So I will now fight to my last word to keep this travesty from coming to pass. I am against Sonia Sotomayor, .... let it ring loud. J. Mark Underwood.......Up in Smoke

Below is a wealth of informative sites, settle back and educate yourself from some of these informative and conservative points of view.........Mark

Action Alert

Call President Obama and ask him to respect the Constitution by nominating someone to the Supreme Court who believes in judicial restraint. Ask him to nominate a judge who will interpret the law as a neutral umpire instead of imposing personal political preferences from the bench. Call the President today at

Please call your two home state senators and ask them to please vote "NO" on David Hamilton for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and Dawn Johnsen to head the Office of Legal Counsel.

The Judicial Confirmation Network
PO Box 3141
Manassas, VA 20108


  1. Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor « NEOAVATARA
  2. [VIDEO]: Obama’s Economic Plan Simplified « The New York Groove
  3. No Big Surprise: It’s Sotomayor « Grand Rants
  4. Supreme Court candidate Sonia Sotomayer: “Court of appeals is where policy is made” : Conservative Nation
  5. ScoopThis.Org » President Obama set to make Supreme Court announcement at 10:15am; Sonia Sotomayor nominated!
  6. Obama Taps Sonia Sotomayor « EduClaytion
  7. Roger’s Rules » Why you should oppose Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court
  8. Obama’s Supreme Court Pick: Judge Sonia Sotomayor « Nice Deb
  9. A New Turn Left on the Supreme Court « DirtyRottenScoundrels
  10. It’s Sotomayor (plus update) | BitsBlog
  11. Justice Sotomayor « Around The Sphere
  12. Sotomayor around the web « Dull Razor
  13. Blue Collar Republican » Blog Archive » Sonia Sotomayor Nomination
  14. Shopfloor » Blog Archive » President Obama on Judge Sotomayor, Background, Reaction
  15. Bent Notes » Blog Archive » Right on cue, TCM picks an identity-obsessor
  16. Sonia Sotomayor - Racist and Sexist hispanic picked by Obama to replace David Souter for SCOTUS | Fire Andrea Mitchell!
  17. Sotomayor Abortion: Catholic Sonia Sotomayor on Abortion » Right Pundits
  18. Audio: Limbaugh: Obama and Sotomayor are "reverse racists", hopes Sotomayor fails - 5/26/09 | Mofo Politics | Hoping Obama fails
  19. Compelling Personal Story « Trust, But Verify
  20. CWA-NJ Conservatives with Attitude! » Blog Archive » Will Republicans Capitalize On Sotomayor Nomination?
  21. Is It True that Sotomayor Would Be the First Hispanic Justice of the Supreme Court? :: Daily Uprising :: Join the Conservative Counter-Revolution!
  22. Limbaugh: Sotomayor is a Racist on The Patriot Room
  23. Trackbacks

  24. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Souter’s retirement: High risk, moderate reward for Obama
  25. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Souter’s retirement: High risk, moderate reward for Obama
  26. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Souter’s retirement: High risk, moderate reward for Obama
  27. Jules Crittenden » A Reverse Souter, I Entreat Thee
  28. Obama’s M.O. with Americans who disagree with him: ridicule - Saul Alinsky anyone? « Jim Blazsik
  29. The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Remember Estrada
  30. 2006 Video: Obama On Supreme Court Nominees « Nice Deb
  31. Souter will scooter…(round-up) | The Anchoress
  32. Justice Souter to Retire - Sportbikes.net
  33. Suitably Flip
  34. Souter’s Gone. Let the Democratic Carnage Begin! : The Sundries Shack
  35. Obama’s Front Runner for SCOTUS; And Two Other Possibilities : Stop The Liberals Now
  36. It’s All Obama All The Time « Peace and Freedom Promises
  37. Ask Dr. Davermann - Volume 6 - 05/01/09
  38. PoliGazette » No ‘Whities’ Please
  39. Blogtalk: Supreme Selection and Obama’s Surprise - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
  40. Justice Souter to Retire - Page 2 - Sportbikes.net
  41. Elena Kagan to replace David Souter? | Fire Andrea Mitchell!
  42. Nightly Ramble: The Old Deli Edition | BitsBlog
  43. Bye Bye, Justice Souter | OpenMarket.org
  44. My Thoughts on Justice Souter Retiring | All American Blogger
  45. CitzCom
  46. Outing Obama - Nominating a Liberal « The Lioness
  47. $100 on Sonia Sotomayor? « Around The Sphere
  48. Outing Obama - Courting a Liberal « The Lioness
  49. Obama’s Justice Isn’t Blind: She’s “Empathetic” « Peace and Freedom Promises
  50. 2006 Audio of Obama on Appointing Supreme Court Justices : Stop The ACLU
  51. Obama & the SCOTUS « A Political Dookie
  52. Just Another Week in Utopia | The Lonely Conservative
  53. Justice David Souter to resign from Supreme Court « Wellsy’s World
  54. Ugly…the new beautiful in the Age of Obama « AMERICA TIMES
  55. CBS News Schieffer: Zeleny Softball Question was GREAT, “Obama hit it out of the park!” | The Great Illuminator
  56. The One Winged Eagle Named Barry | The Admonition
  57. Gird Your Loins « The Lioness
  58. Today’s Tidbits
  59. Saturday Afternoon - Watching The Mud Flow - Laundry Time , An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings
  60. Obama’s Approval Ratings Still Falling! « Goodtimepolitics
  61. What’s Important? An Invitation « Mark Epstein
  62. Day 2 - Reactions to the Souter Announcement « Justice Chatter
  63. Souter Speculation Link Round-Up « Justice Chatter
  64. Racism in the US Supreme Court: White Males Need Not Apply! — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  65. ginandtacos.com » Blog Archive » THIS IS JUST A TEST
  66. Best of the Blogs - Weekend of May 3 on The Patriot Room
  67. What to Expect From Obama’s Supreme Court Pick « I Took The Red Pill (and escaped the Matrix)
  68. SCOTUS: Summer’s upon us but a cold chill is in the air « Seeing Red AZ
  69. Weekend Opinionator: The Early Line on the High Court - The Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
  70. AP: Six Names on Obama’s SCOTUS Short-List : The American Pundit
  71. Breaking: Sotomayor Picked for SCOTUS : The American Pundit
  72. The Case Against Sotomayor « Patriot Burr
  73. Michelle Malkin » SCOTUS pick: Sonia Sotomayor
  74. Sotomayor: I Would Think Latinas Reach Better Conclusions Than White Males : The American Pundit

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Billionaire to New York: Screw you

By Michelle Malkin • May 20, 2009 11:23 AM

Billionaire Tom Golisano, founder of Paychex, is leaving high-taxing, entrepreneur-undermining New York for Florida. He penned a kiss-off in the NYPost today:

Politicians like to talk about incentives — for businesses to relocate, for example, or to get folks to buy local. After reviewing the new budget, I have identified the most compelling incentive of all: a major tax break immedi ately available to all New Yorkers. To be eligible, you need do only one thing: move out of New York state.

Last week I spent 90 minutes doing a couple of simple things — registering to vote, changing my driver’s license, filling out a domicile certificate and signing a homestead certificate — in Florida. Combined with spending 184 days a year outside New York, these simple procedures will save me over $5 million in New York taxes annually.

By moving to Florida, I can spend that $5 million on worthy causes, like better hospitals, improving education or the Clinton Global Initiative. Or maybe I’ll continue to invest it in fighting the status quo in Albany. One thing’s certain: That money won’t continue to fund Albany’s bloated bureaucracy, corrupt politicians and regular special-interest handouts.

How did the state get to this point? By spending, spending and spending some more.

Going, going, going Galt. Who’s next?

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Think What We Think...Or Else: Thought Control on the American Campus

Here's a compendium of How the Left are influencing our Kids Minds. Fortunately, I influenced my kids minds, long before they arrived at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville and East Tennessee State University. I, was worked over psychologically, in my youth, by the usual suspects, so hard that I broke. I put myself back together in such a way, so they could not; and have never come even close to cracking me again. A special belated thanks to the man in the green van with the sign of the dollar who stopped by the store that day in 1977 and gave me a copy of Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. It was a very healing read that left me eyes wide open for all my days since. If you get the chance, read it and pass it forward. Inspire someone. This is One way YOU can make a difference in our country............Mark.

Thanks to @daven35 for twitting this story. Please stop by his site and thank this young warrior soldier for his service to our country! Served in F Co 51st IN (LRSC) (Airborne). Two tours in Iraq. Texas Tornado! and his blog is here

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Let's Remember Joe the Plumber

Joe the Plumber

Who better to follow than Joe the plumber on Hannity’s America .com; a regular person who almost changed the course of the most followed political election in The United States of America’s history. Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, aka Joe Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber; during the 2008 election struck up heated controversy by simply asking the then front runner, Barack Obama a simple question unveiling Obama as a hard line socialist left winger. Instantly, Joe the Plumber became the hero of conservatives.

Joe the Plumber states “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”

“I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” Mr. Obama had said.

Franky the Filmaker - Change from a New Yorker Perspective

Why I am investing in Vaseline, and You should too..Hang On!

Free cars for poor fuel road rage

Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work.

But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash - allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway.

Read More

This is blatant rip-off of You and I, the American Taxpayer. Who the hell do these people think they are. I am going to invest in the Vaseline Company because obviously there is a great demand getting ready to occur........Up in Smokes

@Google - @Twitter To Start Indexing Links For Search

Smoke Alert: I noticed Gas jumped 14 cents Monday

Oil rises to six-month high near $58 in Asia

The contract Wednesday rose 4.6 percent, or $2.50, to settle at $56.34, the highest level since mid-November.

I wondering if this is the start of a return to 4$ a gallon gas. It's $ 1.95 in Knoxville this Morning. It was $ 1.82 for a very long time before now. I predict this may be the Dragon that finally seals Obama's fate. The way I see it, the high gas prices were a large part of what took America to her knees last year. Does anyone even remember this...
Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

Note to Obama: If I see gas prices headed back up, my very next budget cut will be my Movie Pass deal at Blockbusters. I have been hearing rumors that Blockbuster may be near bankruptcy anyway . That will give me 34$ more a month to spend on smokes............Mark

Obama's Vision V.S. The Founding Father's Vision

A Fair and Balanced Look at Our Nations Christian Roots V.S Obama

I love these videos,smart and funny at the same time....Mark

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

And finally..a little humor. Bo the Water Dog

The Big Black Lie - A Book by A Black Guy

Book Sign Up List

The Big Black Lie is in its final stages. Many of you continue to inquire about my book, and hopefully are still interested. The bad news is that the site I use doesn't allow "pre-sale" of the book, and further, I can not autograph them until you actually have the book. So I will be planning a series of book signings, and my publicist will alert you as to locations, etc.

For those of you who want to jump the gun a bit, I ask that you send an email to thebigblacklie@gmail.com, and we will add your name to the book list. My plan is to write a "handwritten" note to you, in lien of signature, or until we can actually meet to get it signed in person. If you want something specific on the note, please designate in your note. I will mail the note to you, so please include your address.

Thanks in advance for the support. I truly hope you enjoy the book, as it is getting very positive reviews. By the way, this is not the final cover, but at least you know the actual name of the book!


Gov’t: Bigger and Blacker

People used to say, "Follow the money." However, in the Obama administration the new saying is, "Control the money." And that is exactly what they are doing.

Based on this information from the Wall Street Journal, the Fed may have to prosecute itself under RICO statutes, having made banks an "offer they couldn't refuse."

Written by One of the Smartest Black Guys I respect..Click Here For Rest of Article

© 2009 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Nightmare on Torture Street............A Short Story

Sept 11, 2001

I've been thinking about torture. I went to work this morning and did my usual routine. I looked at the days agenda and prepared myself for the business of the day. I have made a pot of coffee for myself and my co-workers. I called my wife and wished her a great day and told her how much I loved her and how I can't wait to see her and the kids at 5 pm. Now barely into the morning I am having to deal with this fire that seems to have engulfed my workplace . Apparently, some plane has accidentally crashed into the side of the building. I work on the 108 floor and I've been told we cannot get out, all passages are blocked. I just watched the other tower collapse and I am really not feeling good about all this. It's hot in my office and I am petrified. The fire is now licking my body and we have broken out some windows for air. I notice with great horror that some of my co-workers are talking about jumping out of the building to end their suffering, I can't believe they would do that...but then I see Jane , the fire has caught her clothes on fire and she has been burned badly, as many of us have. I have worked with her for 11 years. She jumped out of the window screaming. I feel tortured greatly by seeing this. Chaos is everywhere and my friends begin one by one to disappear out the window screaming and they fall nearly one thousand and forty feet to their deaths. This is a long way down, and I feel tortured by seeing this. Time is passing too quickly and now I must make my decision. Burn or jump. The decision is further torturing me. I think of my wife and kids, this will torture them for a long time.
I move to the window just to breathe and notice how very far down to the street it really is, I never really thought about how high I was till just now. I suddenly feel Tortured. As I leap from the window to my death, I have about 10 seconds to feel nothing but extreme torture. I am so Tortured by my decision to jump. So very, very Tortured....................................

It's 3:13 in Knoxville, TN and I can't seem to sleep. I came to my computer and decided to write this for the not forgotten innocent victims of 9/11. It's been almost 9 years since I watched my brothers , sisters and friends jumping out of those windows. I am obviously scarred.They are obviously dead. It was a life changing event for me. Due to the scarring from this event, I soon made decisions for my own life that have caused further torture for those around me. I am recovering slowly. The families of those people I have written about will never recover.

Those victims and their families, and and a multitude of US citizens were forever tortured that day. I pray that they can find the unfindable peace that I am still searching for.

The point of this post is to say to people, who cares if our Military water-boarded suspected and/ or guilt ladened combatants to find out who the hell was responsible for this great atrocity.

I certainly don't care. For in this, many innocents have paid the highest price and have never ending torture.

The way I see it is, any of the innocents in the World Trade Center would have traded jumping out of those windows that day for a chance to be water-boarded once a day for the rest of their lives.

So. the Hell with You or any Political figure who has the audacity to feel sorry and concern for these monsters at Guantánamo. You have nothing but my loathing for you and your ilk when I see you soooo concerned for their rights and condition. You are the penultimate Altruists who are destroying this country and looking out for our enemies more than you are looking out for our Citizens. Vladimir Puten is rolling on the floor laughing at you and I am crying for my countrymen who have fallen and been forgotten by Our Executive and Judicial system. A pox on You , Obama et all.........

Up in Smoke....Mark Underwood

Up in Smoke....Or be Fined

I love these stories that are naturally made for my Blog, I couldn't make up stuff better than this....Mark

If you got 'em, Smoke all of 'em....NOW
May 4, 2009
Smoke or be fined
China has 350 million smokers, of whom a million die of smoking-related diseases every year. -- PHOTO: AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

BEIJING - OFFICIALS in a county in central China have been told to smoke nearly a quarter million packs of locally made cigarettes annually or risk being fined, state media reported on Monday.

The Gong'an county government in Hubei province has ordered its staff to puff their way through 230,000 packs of Hubei-produced cigarette brands a year, the Global Times said.

More Smoke Here

Look What I've Found - Some people say I am an angry Blogger, well, these are NOT from my site

From Evil GOP Bastards

From Rogers Art Below
Let a Conservative Publish a Picture like this on their Blog ; Protesting the Current Administration and see What Happens...Mark

Take a brief look at a Sampling of what happened to George Bush when he was President. Here are the haters.

EVIL GOP Bastards


Naughty Pictures Of Bush

My Stolen Nation

Serious Kidding

Make Them Accountable

Go Back to Texas

The Real Draft Dodgers

Bush for Dummies

Roger Art

This is one pissed off artist...and he expresses it beautifully. Check out his site.

Until you have reviewed a true haters website, get off my back, I am not a hater, I am a Loather and a Educator.......Mark

Swine Flu has been identified at my son's School,..Probably, Maybe, Likely

West Valley Middle School
Home of the Wolves
West Vally Middle School, Knoxville, TN, reports 1 case of Swine Flu. The school has closed their doors for 1 week. My son is very happy.....Mark

On May 3, the Knox County Health Department identified the county’s first probable case of the Flu virus commonly referred to as the Swine Flu. A student at West Valley Middle School tested positive for a flu variant that is most probably the H1N1 strain. Out of an abundance of caution and based on the recommendation of the Knox County Health Department, West Valley Middle School will be closed beginning Monday, May 4th, through and including Friday May 8th. (Read More)

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

I will not support the looters.....Mark


I, J. Mark Underwood, 1 of 56 million people who did not vote for Obama, vow never to buy a product being sold by any company that has accepted stimulus money from the Government. I am particularly talking about GM, Chrysler, and I am soon to move my Bank account to a local Bank or Credit Union, away from Bank of America.

By doing this , I hope to thwart Obama's Socialist Agenda for Capitalist America.

I will update this post soon.....Mark.

Kiss My Conservative Arse Jeb Bush

How long will I have to put up with the failings of the Bush dynasty. Since Bush 1 said "read my lips", lied and capitulated, I wrote off the Bush ilk then.

I wouldn't Vote for W. because I believed the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.

Evidently, I was right for all the Bush Boys.

The only mistake Ronald Reagan made was choosing Bush to be his Vice President. A huge blunder it was.

The Bushes have taken Reagan's legacy and defiled it.

There would be no Bush but for Reagan. Go the way of Arlen Specter boys. Get out of the Republican Party now and leave us be.

It's a sad day when I equate Bushes to Obamas.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

First Lady Michelle Obama steps out in Lanvin sneakers and they're only $540!

These Shoes Were Made For Talkin'......Mark

Sara Palin...... Eat Your Heart Out!

The kicks, made by high-end French fashion label Lanvin, cost $540. Ernst/Reuters

The kicks, made by high-end French fashion label Lanvin, cost $540.

Michelle Obama has taken casual to a haute new level.

While volunteering Wednesday at a D.C. food bank, the First Lady sported her usual J.Crew cardigan, a pair of utilitarian capri pants and, on her feet, a sneaky splurge: trainers that go for $540.

That's right: These sneakers - suede, with grosgrain ribbon laces and metallic pink toe caps - are made by French design house Lanvin, one of fashion's hottest labels. They come in denim and satin versions, and have been a brisk seller all spring.

They're out of stock at posh Meatpacking District boutique Jeffrey, and Barneys New York boasts a limited selection of the sneaks, which are a cult favorite among fashionistas.

Ronald Reagan, I miss you so much Today

We need some inspiration