Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

A Black American Man With Vision- Elect him Broward Co.!

Allen West - Patriot

What a refreshing voice of Conservatism this Gentleman is. Take note Broward County Floridians. Wake up and take the Charge.....Up in Smoke

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

U.S. Facist Police Refuse Free Speech- You gotta Watch This

Cop Forces Town Hall Protester to Take Down Anti-Obama Sign

Photo of Noel Sheppard.

"It ain't [America] no more, okay?"

So amazingly said a police officer at a town hall meeting in Reston, Virginia, Tuesday when he refused to allow a protester to display an anti-ObamaCare sign (pictured right).

I kid you not.

If we had an honest media in America, the following video would have been broadcast repeatedly over the past few days to demonstrate how free speech in our nation is indeed under attack (h/t Gary G. Howell):


Rush Limbaugh was quite right Wednesday when he told Fox News's Glenn Beck, "It is the most dangerous time in my life for freedom and liberty in this country."

It certainly is.

Too bad we currently have a media unwilling to report such tyranny and too stupid to understand that these restrictions to free speech will eventually affect them as well.

*****Update: As a point of clarification, it has been discovered that the officer in question, Wesley Cheeks Jr., is part of the Fairfax County Public Schools' trained School Security Officer team and not a police officer.

WND Exclusive
Town-hall clash! Arrest threat over Obama 'Joker' poster
Officer to protester: This ain't America no more

Posted: August 28, 2009
10:57 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Editor's note: Earlier reports that Officer Wesley Cheeks Jr. is a police officer were in error. Further investigation has revealed Officer Cheeks is a member of the Fairfax County Public Schools trained School Security Officer team. To contact the school's security force, e-mail Fred Ellis, the director of safety and security for Fairfax County Public Schools or Jim McLain, the security coordinator.

A depiction of the sign banned by Officer Cheeks

"This used to be America," argued a protester outside a health care town hall meeting in Reston, Va., after a security officer threatened him with arrest for holding up a sign with a picture critical of Barack Obama.

The officer's response?

"It ain't no more, OK?"

Are all These Congresswomen Communists?, Or is it my Imagination?

Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA) Now joins the following 3 congresswomen who just make my head spin when I hear them spewing Socialist and Communist Ideology. You can search my blog for Waters and Jackson to find the goods on them. My eyes are fast opening to the people who elect these people, I need to know what is going on in the Communities that are Electing these incompetent fools in a Country that has spent so much Blood and Treasure to fight Communism and Socialism. Besides being blathering idiots, I also consider them a threat to America's way of life, or my perceived notion of that life.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)

Watch This Here

Rep. Cynthia Ann McKinney (D-GA)
Arrogance at its Finest

Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA)
Giving her thoughts on why Communism is a Wonderful Thing

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Maxists in the Whitehouse-Must View-Glenn Beck!

Up in Smoke.... Highly Recommends Glenn Beck. He is a Hero of our Times.He speaks the Truth. Educate Yourself NOW, Before it's too Late

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

A hero dies only once, A coward dies a thousand deaths…

If I had lived my life like Ted Kennedy, I would just now be getting out of jail. Goodbye you over- privileged bloviating pox on Liberty. I will not miss you....Say hello to Mary Jo Kopechne, on your way to the Brimstone Hotel................................. Up in Smoke.

WND Exclusive Court orders Christian child into government education

10-year-old's 'vigorous' defense of her faith condemned by judge

Posted: August 28, 2009
12:35 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A 10-year-old home school girl described as "well liked, social and interactive with her peers, academically promising and intellectually at or superior to grade level" has been told by a New Hampshire court official to attend a government school because she was too "vigorous" in defense of her Christian faith.

The decision from Marital Master Michael Garner reasoned that the girl's "vigorous defense of her religious beliefs to [her] counselor suggests strongly that she has not had the opportunity to seriously consider any other point of view."

The recommendation was approved by Judge Lucinda V. Sadler, but it is being challenged by attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund, who said it was "a step too far" for any court.

The ADF confirmed today it has filed motions with the court seeking reconsideration of the order and a stay of the decision sending the 10-year-old student in government-run schools in Meredith, N.H.

(Story continues)

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

I must be a Birther, Mark it Down


Last November, people said that we were crazy to pursue this issue. Now, we've been shown to be right in our pursuit of the truth. You see, it's not just the original birth certificate that they're refusing to release. Barack Obama, according to a published report, has spent over one million dollars so far to STOP anyone from seeing ANY of his actual identification documents, or many other documents, such as:

  • His actual long-form birth certificate (NOT an easily-forged electronic copy of a short-form document that is not even officially accepted as proof of birth by the State of Hawaii)
  • His passport files
  • His University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
  • His Harvard Law School records
  • His Columbia University records
  • His Columbia University senior thesis, "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament"
  • His Occidental College records, including information on any financial aid that he received
  • His Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
  • His Noelani Elementary School records, where he attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register -- but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
  • His Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
  • Mr. Obama's client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
  • His Illinois State Bar Association records
  • His Baptism records
  • The Obama/Dunham marriage license
  • The Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
  • His adoption records

Glenn Beck - The One Thing


Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

You are sorry You voted for Obama, I am sorry I voted for Bob Corker

Bend Over Republicans

Republicans who voted to confirm Holder now complain about Holder

Just wrote Bob Corker and was So incensed by the fact I could not e-mail him without a Home Phone Number that I went ahead and just told him he has lost my vote....Initially, I was just going to tell him how disappointed I was in one of his decisions to vote a particular way....I keep seeing his name pop up on Malkin's website as a Republican with weak knees....It's over Bob...I won't support You anymore....You are UP in SMOKE.....Mark

P.S. Lamar Alexander....You are not far behind..

Both Were Emailed with a negative reponse

MY electric bills last 6 months..Obama said they would Skyrocket

This is posting of my last 6 months Electric Payments.

Everyone at Work is bemoaning how high their electric bills are these days.
I have replaced all my incandescent light bulbs with CFL Bulbs. The more I do to save energy the higher my bill rises. Anyone else affected this way. I have a 1500 sq ft. home and my bill was nearly 270.00 last month.Not to mention the added TVA Fuel Cost Adjustment of 26.00(included).

This year same (Cooler)month........277.00.......June 2009
Last year same (Hotter) month........240.00.......June 2008
Difference ..................................... 37.00 Dollars more a Month X 12 = 444.00 a year more, I can expect to pay.

Oh Well, Obama promised us our Electric Bills would skyrocket, what were we expecting?

Oops, It just occured to me that the Cap and Trade has not Kicked in Yet, Looks like More Pain to Come.....

........Up in Smoke

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Media Whore and Race Baiting Idiot. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).

Smoke Alarm...

...Do not be taken in by this fast talking ignorant smug liar, who (how she got elected I don't know) deserves nothing but the bum's rush out of the Congress..Thanks for some great reporting Robbie.........Up in Smoke

Gleaned from Website

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) Ignoring Her Constituents

How bad is the Democrats’ health reform bill? Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is avoiding talking to the media about it

Rep. Lee held a health care town hall in Houston yesterday, but did so on the down-low, lest those pesky, un-American astro-turfers show up to ask her tough questions.

The normally camera and attention seeking Jackson Lee kept this town hall announcement as hushed as she could.

Jackson Lee is known for aggressively promoting her events by e-mailing and calling local news media. But the Houston Chronicle didn’t receive any notifications from her office about the Tuesday forum.

There is no bigger camera and media whore in all of Washington than the race-hustling idiot from Houston, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).

Remember, this is the MORE

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Press Largely Ignored Incendiary Rhetoric at Bush Protest

Apparently, We, The Thug Mobsters have a long way to go before we reach the vile tactics of the leftist protesters that where against George Bush.............Up In Smoke

I apologize in advance for the obscenities of the Left Wing Protesters

Pictures collected by Up in Smoke, not Fox News


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

News outlets that are focusing on the incendiary rhetoric of conservatives outside President Obama's town hall meeting Tuesday ignored the incendiary rhetoric -- and even violence -- of liberals outside an appearance by former President George W. Bush in 2002.

When Bush visited Portland, Ore., for a fundraiser, protesters stalked his motorcade, assailed his limousine and stoned a car containing his advisers. Chanting "Bush is a terrorist!", the demonstrators bullied passers-by, including gay softball players and a wheelchair-bound grandfather with multiple sclerosis.

One protester even brandished a sign t more

Hillary: 0 to Bitch in 30 seconds, Vitriole for the Africans

Bill, Will you please quit pissing this woman off, she makes you look so stupid when she does this!....Up in Smoke

Arrogant Bastardios- One of Many that Work for US

  • Main Entry: ar·ro·gance
  • Pronunciation: \ˈer-ə-gən(t)s, ˈa-rə-\
  • Function: noun
  • Date: 14th century

: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions