Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Barack Obonga- Medical Weed Shaman
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Natural Born - Whats the big deal?

October 18, 11:57 AMPortland Civil Rights Examiner
Dianna Cotter
In the days since I first started publishing on the issues surrounding Natural Born Citizenship and why it matters with regards to Barack Obama, I have been asked a great many questions regarding why it matters at all. Why the Founding Fathers would bother with a distinction that only ever matters for one governmental position in the world, the President of the United States?
I hate to say this because I supported McCain - granted not with a great amount of enthusiasm, and had honestly thought he was
Barack Obama and State of Hawaii on the ropes

The latest legal turn out of Hawaii leaves very little wiggle room for the state.
On July 27th 2009 The Hawaii Department of Health in a press release declared that Barack Obama was a Natural Born Citizen.
Researcher Justin Riggs on July 29th was informed by email that Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett reviewed and approved the Statement released by DoH Director Fukino.
Attorney Leo Donofrio has been investigating the irregularities in the State of Hawaii at his blog Natural Born Citizen and has published a copy of the emails between Riggs and the Attorney General's office:
From: Justin Riggs [email address redacted]
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:03 PM
To: …janice.okubo@doh.hawaii.gov, [redacted other recipient]
…Ms. Okubo,
Related and Erudite
Natural Born - Whats the big deal?
Citizenship – what America forgot
Hawaiian Law Demands Obama records be made public
Dianna Cotter @DiannaCotter is a 39-year-old living in Newberg, OR. She is a Student at American Military University, and believes civil rights belong to all Americans, not just a few. You can contact Dianna at cotter.d.c@gmail.com
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
Posted: August 02, 2009
11:55 am Eastern
WASHINGTON – California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009
Lou Dobbs Reveals Sweet Deal for Illegal Mexicans..Must See
CNN Lou Dobbs on Piece of S#*% Bill
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009
Alan Grayson(D-FL) follows 4 people on Twitter. You won't believe who They Are !
This Twitter Site Shown Below, Represents itself as that of Rep. Alan Grayson, a Controversial Florida Politician
Here are several possible reasons his Florida Constituency (8th District) may decide to stop voting for Him.
If this is his Real Twitter, I call on all decent Central Floridians to pause and think...Is this someone I can vote for again?
Hopefully, someone at his Campaign or Twitter can Verifiy this Site soon, so we will know for Sure.
So, I call on Rep. Alan Grayson, " Is this you official Twitter Site? or not?"
1. Bill Maher @billmaher
Bill Maher Is a Marxist Idiot!
2. Ed Schultz @WeGotEd
Ed Schultz is the most listened-to Progressive radio talk show host in America.
3. David Shuster @DavidShuster
David is a regular substitute anchor for “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”
4. Dylan Ratigan @DylanMSNBC
a pleasant if somewhat loud-voiced fellow with good reporter's instincts, who
may be shocked to find out Alan Grayson is following him! LOL
I will e-mail this site finding directly to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and ask him head on to decry this as fake or admit up to it being associated with him directly. Then I will post the answer.
Another Obama Czar Agrees With Mao: Thinks Free Market Is 'Nonsense'
Up in Smoke
Krauthammer On Obama's War On Fox
(Via @hopeforamerica) Twitter
Visit "The Hope for America" for Outstanding Collection of Conservative Videos
Senin, 19 Oktober 2009
Yes, CAIR (Muslim) is planting 'spies' on Capitol Hill

FBI cites 'people in positions of power within the organization directly connected to terrorism'
Posted: October 18, 2009
9:33 pm Eastern
By David Kupelian
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
While a Washington, D.C.-based Muslim organization the government classifies as an unindicted terror co-conspirator – and which has, in fact, seen several of its leaders imprisoned on terrorism convictions – scoffed last week at congressional charges it was attempting to plant interns and staffers in key Capitol Hill offices to influence policy, a hot-selling new book documents the controversial group is successfully doing precisely that.
Graham Joins Kerry On Cap-And-Trade
I give You
Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C. - Marxist)
Up in Smoke
Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Robert III Reich: What An Honest President Would Say About Health Reform -
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
Obama calls for $250 payments to seniors
The White House put the cost at $13 billion.
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
The Mt. Rushmore of Shut the Hell Up
Jackie and Dunlap weigh in on Obama's surprising Nobel Peace Prize win. Does he deserve it? Join the Red State Update community at http://www.redstateupdate.com and get your freedom yell on.
Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009
Eyepopping example of Obama lying about Healthcare Requirements
1. | a person who speaks falsely; liar. |
2. | a person who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; quibbler; equivocator. |
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
Senin, 05 Oktober 2009
Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009
Rot in Hell Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) You Slimy Bastard
Just a Note,
My Father, Jim Underwood. is a Veteran of the Korean War, stationed in Washington D.C. , a member of Ike's Presidential Squadron. Dad turned 80 years old yesterday. He was a Goldwater Conservative and a Reagan supporter and spent his career as a Government Quality Assurance Inspector. He is a Patriot.
Recently, he has been hospitalized. Very sick with 4 chest tubes and cancer and fighting for his life. I, his loving son, have been working all day and then sitting by his side at the hospital during the evening for the last 2 weeks, I work in healthcare and I understand these things.
He loves to watch Glenn Beck and Hannity. So we were watching together when Rep. Alan Grayson (YOU)(D-Fla.) decided it was a good time to say these things.
Well, you can imagine the absolute loathing that has ensued in my person as I looked over at my dying Republican Father and the hurt on his face as he watches the Country he fought for going straight to hell. It has not been easy folks.
I want to talk to this miscreant arrogant thoughtless son-of a- bitch. One of my main missions from here on out is to defeat politically, anyone associated with this reckless mean spirited way of talking to the American Public. Especially Grayson.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), you will be hearing from me very shortly. I am going to single handedly see that you are defeated in your next election. Up_in_smoke is very unhappy. I am gonna bring it, and you will hear me, and you will know it was me. I will do it with this keyboard I am now typing on.
A pox on you...you low life bastard. Don't let Hell's door hit you on the Way IN.
Our Veteran's deserve so much better than You, especially the older one's lying in deaths door that are forced to listen to you insensitive crap. Resign NOW.
J. Mark Underwood