Posted by
Erick Erickson (
Profile) RedState
by Erick of Red State
Sunday, February 14th at 2:31PM EST
A lot of you have asked if I’ve gotten any more emails. Below the fold, a compilation of emails that have come in. But above the fold, my final word.
Based on the facts, it is very clear that President Obama is our lawfully elected President and the Office of President of the United States of America requires that though we may disagree with him and oppose him, we recognize and respect his position as President — a position entrusted to him by 69,456,897 voting Americans, or 52.9% of the popular vote.
Up_in_Smoke's Response
Recently, I have noticed a definite uptick in the amount of negativity of people near my own vein of thought..i.e said Conservatives, They are seeming to pick up a board and attempting to hit us Birthers in the head with it. It seems as if this is occuring without much forethought from the attackers. They are nonchalant as they merrily hack our cockles off about this issue. Embarrassed they are of Us. Well.....
Thanks for identifying yourselves to Us....We Birther's are truly shocked and amazed that our own team-mates would gang tackle Us like this. It is disappointing to find that we somehow have Fascists in our own ranks. For Us, the fact that Obama has been less than forthcoming about this Birth Certificate thing has been more than concerning. The fact that some people in our own circles would write us off because of our concern is more amazing than Obama's lack of a Long Form Birth Certificate. I will say this and get off of it. Here's my response to a friend of mine who recently chastised me about being a Birther. "Adios Amigo". If I want to be told to STFU I will turn on MSNBC, or the multitude of Liberal Media that is available to me. I will not accept it from Liberals..... or Conservatives in my own circle.
We don't care if Obama has a Birth Certificate or not...We just want him to produce a long form tangible palpable legal with raised embossement ....just like the common man has been REQUIRED to do all our lives, just to get the bare a drivers license or a Passport or Marriage License...or Selective Service Card....Not to mention the most important job in the freakin' President of the United States. You guys are like little children pecking US about this.. Are You kidding me?....Let us have our damn fun!... And You better start remembering who the opponents in this contest are...because we will not tolerate you much longer....Wake Up!
P.S. Red State...You are in the timeout box........I went to take your blog off my roll...but discovered I had not ever put you on...hmmmm....Wonder Why?