Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

Up in Smokes Thought for the Week

It occurred to me with all the talk about legalizing Marijuana, that a lot of Obama's 8 million winning votes where probably from a part of society that just wanted to be able to smoke pot and that's what was most important to them.

Now I am not saying one way or the other but, it amuses me at how this subject keeps coming up in the press and TV shows; as a carrot to keep these people believing that this is a possibility.

I know that there their is no hope of Marijuana being legalized, but then, I am fifty two years old. I find it comical that the naive of this country continue to hold out hope for this change.

It's funny how some of the least important things have caused these people to sacrifice every other freedom that they have under the boot of Obama. Even if they did legalize it, no one could afford it, like cigarettes, I really doubt that the Government would go so far as to let you grow your own, not that these folks would be ambitious enough to till the soil in order to farm it....... that would require work and planning and forethought, something I don't believe they are capable of, or they wouldn't be considering numbing themselves to the point that they can't realize their own existence.

Just a Thought.....Up in Smoke

Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

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