Minggu, 11 September 2011

My thoughts about 911 that i sent to my friend today..RE Jumpers

RE: Watching people jump and fall from the World Trade Center on 911

Fwd: Yes.....I focused on that at the time....ALL my anger that I have displayed on social media...arises from those haunting images stuck in my head...it was truly mindbending to watch that....I have 
seen very bad things in a hospital....but the terror that was struck in those people who decided to jump...is beyond any thought or emotion that I can conceive....what pAssed through their minds and 
souls....the level of pain they must have been in from the flames licking on them...will affect and haunt me to my grave...I was so  sorry for them ...I will never forgive the Muslim community at 
large for teaching their children that doing something like this was acceptable...I am afraid that hatred will die only in my grave

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