Fat effin Chance that I am Letting My Child Go to School to be Forced to Listen to this Maniacal SOBama Indoctrination - LOLROTF.
In the words of Joe Camellini aka. Up in Smoke of the Mob
You can Forget about that Shit
In the words of Joe Camellini aka. Up in Smoke of the Mob
You can Forget about that Shit
Please excuse my profanity, but I am PISSED OFF about this and growing MADDER day by day. We are in a freakin' nightmare...SOBama is about as likely to influence my kids as I am to be President..it ain't gonna happen....I am posting on my sons FB right now that he can expect to have a nice day at home listening to Ronald Reagan speeches that I will put on his iPOD...arrrrggggggg!!!!!!...I am Done being NICE.
Up in Smoke
Interestingly enough...by typing so hard I think I invented the word SOBama..I like that
Up in Smoke
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