Minggu, 27 September 2009

WND Exclusive Cops, deputies warned again about right-wing 'terrorists'

Oath Keepers

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SPLC alarm: 'Militiamen, white supremacists, anti-Semites, nativists, tax protesters coalescing'

Posted: September 25, 2009
10:10 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A private activist organization apparently is picking up where the federal government left off when the Department of Homeland Security

issued its "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" warning that returning veterans and people in a long list of other categories were potential terrorists.

Only the new warning, delivered recently to police officers, sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel across the country, is lumping those dedicated to the constitutional principles on which the nation was founded together with crazed killers.

The fall 2009 "Intelligence Report" was issued recently by the Southern Poverty Law Center,

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