Minggu, 19 April 2009

Axelrod suggests 'Tea Party' movement is 'unhealthy'

Witness the impeccable style of conniving and slyness practiced by Carville at his impotent best....Mark

col·lu·sive (k-lsv, -zv)
Acting in secret to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful goal.

[slyer, slyest] or slier, sliest
1. (of a person's remarks or gestures) indicating that he or she knows something of which other people may be unaware: she had the feeling they were poking sly fun at her
2. secretive and skilled at deception: a sly trickster
3. roguish: sly comedy
4. on the sly secretively: they were smoking on the sly behind the shed [Old Norse slōegr clever]

con·nive (k-nv)
intr.v. con·nived, con·niv·ing, con·nives
1. To cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action; collude: The dealers connived with customs officials to bring in narcotics.
2. To scheme; plot.
3. To feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent: The guards were suspected of conniving at the prisoner's escape.

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