Sabtu, 04 April 2009

This Muslim Leader says he wants to smuggle Anthrax across Mexico and kill YOUR children- You MUST Watch this, I Mean IT

Start post here.... by Mark...who usually doesn't write much.

P.S. Verified real by Mark on 4-4-09 at 1529...
Here is the link to the original it was made Feb 2, 2009.

I studied this Video, to ascertain that it is valid and not some voice over. My gut and brain tell me it is true, especially when he calls us REDNECKS. I need you all to give me feedback about Your Opinion of this call for death, note the way the large audience laughs with glee, when he talks about our deaths. Please leave comments at the bottom of the post and please sign on as a follower if you are so inclined.

I greatly disturbs me that these dogs want to kill us so very badly, I am a Southern White Christian ( I qualified for Redneck at one point early in 1977 ). My family is Southern White Christian. However, my ex- brother-in -law was Muslim, and I had made many Muslim friends and used to embraced their Right to follow Allah and practice any Religion they wished. During those years I didn't know anything about Islam. I DO NOW. I hope that you can wake and realize the truth about these dogs who want to kill us so violently. It is a very real threat..
As much as we don't want it to be. I will be sending this post to Con. John Duncan and Con. Bob Corker and others.

I do not know the time line on this video, I do know it is after the Terrorist's flew planes into the WTC in 2001, killing 3000 of my fellow Americans. I do know I just posted a video of Obama giving a deep bow to a man who looks very similar to this speaker. To say that disturbs me greatly; is code for me not cursing him publicly on this page, which I intend to start doing if things don't improve. We need to immediately secure our borders. Obama is in Europe prostrating himself to these idiots and disrespecting our country. How embarrassing he is.

Ok....I have ascertained that this video is 100 percent
real and have found the site where it originated. To my surprise there are many more videos to be seen there. This guy is a...Kuwaiti Professor named Abdallah Al-Nafisi. If I am not mistaken, the USA saved these nefarious Kuwaiti's and their Country from the tyranny of the late Saddam Hussein at great cost of American blood and treasure during the first Gulf War or Desert Shield.

I am totally outraged by these Muslims ( Islamofacist terrorists ), I believe a shout should go up from the Islamists in America denouncing these agitators and self proclaimed murderers and plotters of American murders.......Until I see and hear this denouncement of Muslim Terrorists, by Muslims ,I will continue to loathe them and call for the ouster of this Murderous CULT from the borders of America...I will NOT tolerate the intolerant any longer...........Kick em' out and keep them out...Sc+#w Islam....$$%%## CULT of MURDERERS and Smug Bast@#ds......Mark

I am trying to stay focused on just Obama. His deep bow to The Saudi King inspired this excursion into Middle East affairs. As posted earlier, Obama's innate ability to speak Farsi and the Fact most of his family are Muslims and that he was raised as a child Muslim may cause me to re-visit this arena. Normally, I would put this post on one of my other blogs HERE

Also, Thanks to George Teramo, a good friend and fellow thinker, for enlightening me about the Website and this Blog

I apologize to my Wife for the Cursing...Mark
Sorry hunny bun....

Here is another Man who wants to eradicate (as of infectious diseases) this pestilence of Islam from his country. I respect him greatly

More below if you care....
Islamic thinker Abdullah Al-Nafisi suggests that the intellectual leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has shrunk and, following the execution of Qutb, was transferred to Brotherhood organizations in the Levant (Said Hawa, Fathi Yekin). Al-Nafisi stresses that those who read and understand the writings of Said Hawa have read and understood the movement- oriented thought of the Brotherhood for the period from 1970 to 1993. Possibly the most important two books Hawa wrote were An Introduction to the Preaching of the Muslim Brotherhood and Lessons in Islamist Activity.

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