Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Fire David Letterman Now!..Join the Cause below

Fire David Letterman

David Letterman Should be Fired:
Fair Minded Americans Should Boycott Sponsors of Late Night

Defensive Letterman Responds to Flap over "Joke"

62 Year Old Letterman a Disgrace to Common Decency
For Verbal Sexual Attacks on 14 year Old Girl

Subscribe to www.firedavidletterman.com now!

Open Letter To David Letterman from Mark Underwood


Dear Dave,
I am writing to you to express my utter disgust for you and the writers of your show. You have descended way past the limits of decency and decorum for what you may think is funny. It's not funny. You should try saying the same thing about Michele Obama's young daughters and see what would happen.

As a Man, I declare you to be a embarrassment and a fool. You don't represent the common decency of male hood, and if you had said the same about my kid, I would kick your ass.. You are a stupid man who does not deserve the exclusive lifestyle that you have been afforded. You are a debased human who needs to wake the hell up, and be responsible for your actions. You have perverted a gift that has been given to you, a gift of entertainment that many equal men should have been chosen over you.

You disgust me. These words are fightin' words, and as long as I draw breath, I will rail against you and CBS.

This letter is posted openly on my blog, and will be tweeted to thousands right after I dot the last letter. 
So take care Davey, and finally, let me extend to you a fine proper Southern "Screw You ,
you Moron." Don't let Hell's door hit your ass on the way in!

Worst Regards,

Mark Underwood - Up in Smoke

Please visit the site below and sign the petition to fire David Letterman. Thanks, Mark..

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